If people ask me where the best place to escape, it is neither Denpasar nor Kuala Lumpur nor Singapore nor Seoul. It will always be Mekah and Madinah. I haven't get the chance to visit those holy land, but I've been dreaming for years to get the chance. I am easily got jealous when some friends got the chance to go. Maybe Allah will give me the right time, after my years praying or maybe I didn't pray properly for it, I should extend the frequent of my praying, of course. When the chance comes to me, I will keep on praying, waiting the next chance to comeback again, and again.
Dengan hadits ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha, ia berkata, “Wahai Rasulullah, apakah wanita juga wajib berjihad?” Beliau shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menjawab, “Iya. Dia wajib berjihad tanpa ada peperangan di dalamnya, yaitu dengan haji dan ‘umroh.” (HR. Ibnu Majah)
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