Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Respect your life, apreciate

Alhamdulillah, finally I got the chance to write so much things that been loaded on my brain. I was a bit afraid that it would be evaporated someday so I want to write it hahaha.

So last night I was reading timothy's blog entry about Principles when it comes to buying luxury things. Sure, as girl I would like to spend all of my money just to follow my ID (Id is the part of your unconscious mind that demand of pleasure and fun, not ego). Alhamdulillah I come from a well family. Not that poor but my family also not the par of rich one. But we can afford our lifestyle, normally. My mom always says that I should live considerately. Consider about how your father gain all those money for us, so use it wisely. Live normally, be smart on spending money. There will be time as a girl, I would so damn tempted by clothes, shoes, even bags. But when I finally move to college I start to think twice when I want something. Is that what I really need now? Don't I already have it, so I don't need to buy another one? Is that thing have the same function with mine? So I try to think every single thing, since I start to manage my own money. 

Then it does happen. Peer pressure.
Have you think about want to have something your friend having now? You started to make your own visual hallucination about you will need it after you see them having something that eye catching. It called peer pressure.
As Timothy said on his blog (timothytiah.com) :
One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is “I like this and I want to buy it… not because my friends have it but because I like it”. The truth is that peer pressure really does influence our desire or perceived need for certain material things. 
The first is that you learn manage your own feelings, knowing that a part of your desire for a product isn’t really because you like the product a lot but because your friends have it. The second though is even more important. That after a while if you don’t buy it, you’ll get over the desire for it. In the case of Shorty and her Chanel Boy, she has already gotten over wanting one. I on the other hand have fallen to traps of buying stuff because of peer pressure and ended up regretting some of the purchases.
Peer pressure also influences how much you like something after you’ve bought it. Say you bought yourself a BMW and you’re really happy about it. Suddenly all the friends you have end up buying Porsches and Ferraris  and all. When you start comparing your BMW with their cars sometimes you end up not appreciating it as much even though nothing has changed with the car. The only thing that has changed is what your friends drive.
and I just went "Oh so true".

There are times when my parents ask me whether I want a car for me and I think it was a bit....to much. I think my motorcycle now already enough to support me, wherever I go. I don't go so that far so I think I just need a motorcycle. Thinking about how I don't really care enough to my motorcycle (about the daily service, washing it, etc) I'm more worried about how I will take my car if I have it now. I try to appreciate the motorcycle that I can feel being wet because of the rain that I won't experience it when I got the car. I try to appreciate everything my parents gave to me. I also think about, when I did have a car now, how about later? I should pace my self to get something nicer to upgrade next time. When I finally have decent car now, how about 10 years later? A SUV? How about 20 years later? A BMW? Ford? Don't say Ferrari because I won't afford it. Because when I had my motorcycle now, as I previously said, I will learn to appreciate things, the most basic thing in our life so we will be grateful with everything we had later.

Another thing is about my room. So the decision was I will spend the first year in this room but we are looking for the second year, a better one. But as the time goes by, I really do comfortable with the room, the family here. Even this room is smaller than 3x3m and even it doesn't have air conditioner even a private bath tub like my bedroom was in my hometown. My mom always ask be whether I'm okay to live here that she want me to move to another one with bigger space, a room with private bathroom and can accommodate her when she stays here a night. But I think this one is okay. It's nice, clean, and comfortable. I don't mind it's small or not so that convenient like I had, as long as it's clean and support my college life. Then I always try to hold on my parents want me to have here, to live as good as I had in my home. But I always makes sure that I spend a good day here to learn many things here, like how to appreciate. Appreciate about how I still having my house-mates here, being a family to them is the treasure for me. 

It was me and my mom that one or two times we enjoyed browsing about bags since my mom want a decent bag. So we found out some of branded bag that cost million rupiahs. But my mom will end up not wanting to buy it since it was so damn expensive. But I'm sure she needs it since she bought a really nice bag couple years ago. Then she always said to me that it's not about the branded bag, not about the price, but a bag that looks nice and suitable with the place you go.  You don't need to buy a really expensive bag to be acknowledged by people around you. You should be the one that acknowledge but your good personality. Not "the girl carrying Kate Spade" the girl that wear Zara" but "the girl with bubbly personalities"

Isn't it nice to have a peaceful life? A life without demanding thing everyday, a life without being everyday-jealous to people's belonging. It's good to feel a tension of competition but not being jealous. Not being want to beat them about being looks better in term of materially. 

Good night!

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