It's a 'curhat colongan' session.
Well, I've been rolling down my facebook timeline and found out that some of my highschool mates alr doing well. Got scholarship, exchanges, won some competition, had paper presentation, invented something, being some important person in certain organization, or even had good grades. I am talking this such a big deal and sounds like being ambitious. But yes It 's me when I had free time, seeing me and my self, only sitting in front of desktop.
And the question arise.
What have you been, San?
Too much busy on getting good grades or just passing the test well. It is even impressed your self? To be true, I'm not even impressed. I've been interested to some social act, having something called people empowerment. To sum this, I have done several social act and on my way doing it. So we end this section here.
Lately I just realize that I am being too late, yes too late to realized that I'm being this so want to be in structural organization people. Just because I think I am capable but too lazy to challenge my self to apply those position. Well it is just because one of my junior got her position, one of the golden position in my ex-medstudent non profit organization. I did well by being one of national team but I just being so waste not trying to apply for the executive one.
After all to sum up, I just need to challenge my self more and end this procrastination.
See this wide opportunity, and again, to end up this PROCRASTINATION.
Chance won't come twice, San. Be wise.
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