It's a birthday post.
Well, maybe it's such a disappointment (for me) that I can't write a better post but I want to write this just to make me remember in the future, how I was going thru all of this. There were many things happen in this past 22 years, for me, and this whole family. Speaking of this whole family, we've gone thru many things together, joy and sorrow. As I grew older I learn that I should whole-hearty accept what we had, imperfection, disappointment, and sure, pride.
And I learn a lot that I can't just escape from all the problems in our family, if there were. I need to solve it, no matter how painful it was, no matter how you just want to be ignorant, because it was about your beloved one. And I tried to slap my self that I should involve more in every single thing in our family. Well, even it was hard, I was crying more that usual (I'm not that crybaby tho before) but we grew stronger by time.We try to understand and again, try to accept that this is us. No matter how imperfect we were one to another, this is what we had, this is what Allah gave us, the best thing we got.
To sum up, I am grateful to have them. To carry on, to strength one another that we will meet again later, in Allah's Jannah.
PS: I miss you guys.
Are you 22 years old? Oh we are have same age. Hahaha
BalasHapusHi Old..